Black curassow

  The dark curassow is an enormous bird coming to around 900 millimeters (35 in) long. The male has dark upper parts gleams with a purplish sheen and a subtle dark peak. The skin at the foundation of the dark snout is yellow or orange however there are no handles and wattles. The underparts are white. The female is comparative however the peak is banned with white, and the adolescent is dark, banished and mottled with ruddy brown and ruddy buff. Conduct  The dark curassow is a generally ground-staying bird. It lives in the undergrowth in swamp timberlands and estates and in riverside shrubberies. It generally eats natural product, yet additionally burns-through buds, shoots, leaves, blossoms, parasites and spineless creatures. It settles a couple of meters over the ground in trees, the home being a foundation of sticks. Reproducing happens in the blustery season in Suriname while in French Guiana, youthful are accounted for in March and September.

Streaked tenrec



Actual appearance 

The swamp streaked tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus) has a place with the family Tenrecidae in the request Afrosoricida, and all the more explicitly to the subfamily of the spiked tenrecs Tenrecinae.[3] The normal body size for H. semispinosus is a length of 140 mm (5.5 in) anyway grown-ups have been recorded to grow up to a limit of 172 mm (6.8 in). Body weight for grown-ups of this species can go from 125–280 g (4.4–9.9 oz).[4] This species has a dark spiked pelage with yellow or chestnut-earthy colored stripes that run the length of the body.[4][3] There is a middle yellow stripe that runs down the platform alongside one dorsal and two horizontal stripes that mark the length of the body and may fill in as a notice to hunters. Plumes are available in this species being longer and more various on the head and nuchal region. Be that as it may, the ventral locale contains not many to no plumes except for can separate in predation defense.[4] 

Exceptional Aspects 

H. semispinosus has tactile hairs that are dispersed on the dorsum that are like vibrissae.[4] It has a transformative variation for its semifossorial propensities with a very much created horizontal and long heads of M. rear arm muscles brachii and augmented M. teres significant that capacity as an extensor of the elbow joint and as an adductor of the upper arm for burrowing. This species likewise has stretched hands and second, third, and fourth digit variation that goes about as the primary fossorial adaptation.[3] The center of the skull of this species is long and low, the alveolar cycles of the maxilla, premaxilla and mandible are decreased and the sense of taste restricted. The teeth are little, divided, and set farther forward on the skull. The fleeting muscles, sagittal, and nuchal peaks are more vulnerable contrasted with other tenrec species.[5] 

Populace Threats 

These tenrecs, H. semispinosus, are compromised principally by the deficiency of their normal environment because of persistent deforestation, all things considered with numerous different creatures in the Madagascar area. This species is additionally being pursued for food. [6] 


The marsh streaked tenrec is dynamic both during the day and around evening time. Its eating routine is made up basically of worms, however it will now and then go after different spineless creatures too. It could be seen stepping its feet on the ground with its front paws, a variation which is accepted to build night crawler movement for simpler foraging.[7] Most tenrecs have a long nose for looking around in the ground to discover their food. They are additionally equipped for eating organic product. While the streaked tenrec eats worms it appears to influence them. The manner in which it influences them is by their teeth which there would be scratches and pits that are brought about by dirt.[8] 


Rearing happens during October to December and conceivably at different occasions, contingent on neighborhood food supply and temperature. The growth period keeps going 58 days, and the female brings forth generally somewhere in the range of 5 and 8 youthful. The youthful are weaned at 18 to 25 days. 


The streaked tenrec lives in long, shallow tunnels which are typically involved by family gatherings. 

Spines as instruments 

H. semispinosus has hard keratinous plumes situated in the mid-dorsal district that go about as a sounding gadget and are believed to be utilized for correspondence among mother and youthful or potentially an admonition sign to predators.[4][9] Movement of these plumes makes the tips rub together and make a high recurrence sound.[4] These plumes are situated in a little space of the mid-dorsal area in a gathering of seven to sixteen masterminded in three rows.[4][9] Five plumes run horizontally on each side and is flanked by five to six plumes being light brown in shading. The plan and number of plumes doesn't adjust during development and neither does the length. The outline of the plumes notwithstanding, changes from adolescent to adult.[9] 

At the point when an individual is disturbed a safeguard reaction is created by raising its plumes horizontally and forward which produces sound when the plumes vibrate.[4][3] H. semispinosus has a profoundly evolved feeling of smell and this reaction alongside foot stepping is likewise delivered when the scent of a hunter is detected.[4][10] This presentation also happens when guys battle for females and when new guys run over each other. Female experiences be that as it may, have material contact and afterward increment the distance between each other.[4] It utilizes its plumes to convey in two diverse manners, by bringing them up in unsettling or by scouring them together in a strategy referred to as stridulation – most popular as the sort commotion created by crickets and cicadas. The sound created is too high to possibly be seen by human ears. [10] 


The streaked tenrec is the lone warm blooded creature known to utilize stridulation for producing sound, a strategy all the more usually connected with creepy crawlies and snakes.[11][12] Due to its extraordinariness, there isn't adequate data in regards to the useful morphological instrument of the streaked tenrec. The sounding plumes are unique in relation to the spines and hair and are found in the mid-dorsal district of the streaked tenrec. The game plan and length are comparable all through the marked tenrec's life expectancy, making up three lines in its midline region and contiguous regions bilaterally.[13] Cutaneous muscles under the plumes were affirmed and are known as plume vibrator circle; they are around 16.8 mm long and 8.55 mm in width for a grown-up. These cutaneous muscles were the mechanical assembly that contribute the vibration of the plumes and creation of sound for correspondence. [14]


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